Prix Leelavati

Le prix Leela­vati est un prix quadriennal décerné par l'Union mathé­ma­tique inter­na­tio­nale pour des contri­bu­tions excep­tion­nelles à la vulga­ri­sa­tion des mathé­ma­tiques (outs­tan­ding contri­bu­tions for increa­sing public aware­ness of mathe­ma­tics as an intel­lec­tual disci­pline and the crucial role it plays in diverse human endea­vors). En 2022, le prix est décerné à Nikolai Andreev «for his contri­bu­tion to the art of mathe­ma­tical anima­tion and of mathe­ma­tical model-buil­ding, in a style which inspires the young and the old alike, and which mathe­ma­ti­cians around the world can adapt to their varied uses — as well as for his inde­fa­ti­gable efforts to popu­la­rize genuine mathe­ma­tics among the public via videos, lectures, and a prize-winning book».


Video by International Mathematical Union

Laudation by Tadashi Tokieda